Title IX Staff

Mrs.Teressa LeDay, JD
Responsibilities and Duties
Pursuant to Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and 34 C.F.R. Part 106, The University of Louisiana at Lafayette’s Title IX Coordinator is the designated agent of the University with primary responsibility for coordinating University Title IX compliance efforts. The Title IX Coordinator’s responsibilities are critical to the development, implementation, and monitoring or meaningful efforts to comply with Title IX legislation, regulation, and case law. In broad terms, the Title IX Coordinator oversees monitoring of University policy in relation to Title IX legal developments; implementation of grievance procedures, provision of educational materials and training for the campus community; conducting investigations of complaints received pursuant to Title IX, Title VI, and Title VII; ensuring a fair and neutral process for all parties; and monitoring all other aspects of the University’s Title IX compliance.
Complaint Resolution Coordinator
Mrs. Morgan Albert-Mandeville, MSW CSW
Buchanan Hall, Room 118
Responsibilities and Duties
The Complaint Resolution Coordinator's primary responsibility includes triaging reports of alleged sexual misconduct and discrimination under Title IX and other nondiscrimination laws, as defined by University policies. The Coordinator acknowledges complaints and provides the initial response to complainants; conducts other preliminary fact-finding as required to assess the allegations under applicable university policies and procedures; schedules and performs intake interviews; interprets and/or advises complainants of university policy; provides referrals and resources to individuals affected by sexual misconduct and other forms of discrimination; and propose Title IX interim safety and welfare measures as needed for sexual violence and harassment complaints under the applicable university policy.